Με στόχο την αντιμετώπιση της ρητορικής του μίσους στα ΜΜΕ και την ευαισθητοποίηση των Ευρωπαίων πολιτών όσον αφορά σε θέματα που σχετίζονται με διαδικασίες μετανάστευσης, ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και την κατάσταση των εθνοτικών και θρησκευτικών μειονοτήτων στην κοινωνία μας, δημιουργήθηκε η ραδιοφωνική αυτή εκστρατεία βασισμένη σε πρακτικές συστάσεις του ηθικού κώδικα που δημιουργήθηκαν από κοινού από τους εταίρους του προγράμματος.

Είναι απαραίτητο τα Ευρωπαϊκά ΜΜΕ να λειτουργούν ως μέσο προώθησης αξιών όπως αυτές της ειρήνης, της ανοχής, της αλληλεγγύης και των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων. Επομένως, η συγκεκριμένη ραδιοφωνική εκστρατεία η οποία έχει προβληθεί σε περισσότερους από 150 ραδιοφωνικούς σταθμούς και σε 7 χώρες θα απευθύνεται και θα αναλύει θέματα που σχετίζονται με την πολιτιστική ποικιλομορφία σε εν μέσω ανθρωπιστικής κρίσης και θα καθιστά ορατές τις πρωτοβουλίες και τα προγράμματα που θα μπορέσουν να βοηθήσουν στη δημιουργία νέων δημοσιογραφικών προτύπων βασισμένων στην ένταξη, στο σεβασμό και στα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα.  

Από το τέλος του 2017 και για 6 μήνες κάθε εταίρος του προγράμματος θα παρουσιάσει και θα μεταδώσει 20 ραδιοφωνικές εκπομπές στα συνεργαζόμενα δίκτυα μέσων ενημέρωσης που θα φτάσουν στ’ αυτιά περισσοτέρων από 4 εκατομμυρίων ακροατών σε Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο.


Caravans in the Rain

Thomas Sideris journalist and radio documentarist on his radio show “Assured Passage”, on Saturday 2 December at 12 noon, will present a radio documentary titled “Caravans in the Rain” – Communities and Rights of the Roma Community.

Guests: Mrs. Evagelia Goula, educator, artist and researcher of the ROMA community, Mr. Panagiotis Haritos, School Social Worker of Primary Education, Municipal Councilor in the Municipality of Sofades, responsible for Roma issues and Chairman of the Non-Governmental Organization for ROMA scientists “ROMA Without Borders”, Mrs. Aikaterini Yiantsiou, Special Secretary for Social Integration of the Roma, Mr. Symeon Serafeimopoulos, president of the Association of Greek Roma. Also an excerpt from the interview given by Johny Weiss, a Roma Holocaust survivor of ROMA Sinti (The Netherlands) to Thomas Sideris.

Words Matter

“Ideodromio… Shore to Shore” with Irene Giannara and Ioanna Niaoti, on Sunday, December 10th at 11 am, present a debate of how words matter in Hate Rhetoric/Hate Speech.

Topics of the show: public sphere/public speech and Hate Speech. Do we know who we are talking about? Terminology makes the difference. The role of Media Literacy. Integration and interculturalism as a counter to the Hate Speech.

Guests in the studio: Dr. Alexandra Vassiliou, Social Psychologist, processworker, adult educator, group coordinator, conflict mediator and organization consultant, Mrs. Nikoletta Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis, Assistant Professor of the Pedagogical Department of the University of Ioannina, and Mrs. Eva Kosse, Researcher for Greece, Human Rights Watch.

Migration Participation and Stereotypes

Konstantina Dimitrouli discusses with Mrs Marina Prentouli, Professor of Media and Political Science, University of East Anglia (UEA) Mr Nadir Bigkana Noori member of Solomon Community Magazine, journalist and photographer and Mrs Rosa Vasilatou, Press Officer of Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity about Migrants participation and stereotypes in Media.

Reporting Hate Speech Online

How journalists interact with Hate Speech Online? Is it possible to regulate media shops and platforms? How people interact with Hate Speech Online? What is the role of society, and governments? Which is the legal framework in Greece and abroad? Mrs. Maria Yiannakaki , General Secretary of Transparency and Human Rights, Mr. Vasilis Vasilopoulos journalist and Editor of the Code for Digital Media in Greece and Mrs Maria Boutzeti, Sociologist, Phd candidate, writer and expert on Social Media are discussing with Ioanna Niaoti and Eirini Giannara on a “Non Hate Speech” debate.

Words, Politics and Critical Journalism – Part I

This Monday, December 18, 2017, at 10 pm, the “Athens Calling” program deals with Words and Critical Journalism. There are Words of Respect and Recognition and there are Words of Hate and Discrimination. The choice of words that describe reality often makes a difference in how to deal with problems. ERT, in the framework of its Social Responsibility and its obligations as a Public Broadcaster, participates in the two-year European program “Respect Words”.

Guests who are talking to Pericles Vassilopoulos about the proposed new Code of Conduct of #RespectWords are: Mrs. Eirini Giannara, Journalist and Local Project Manager of the “Respect Words”, Mr. Andreas Takis, Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Mr. Konstantinos Tsitselikis, Professor of Balkan and Eastern Studies at the University of Macedonia. Mrs. Cleo Papapadoleon, President of the Hellenic Association for Human Rights, Mr. Pavlos Nerantzis, Network Representative of the “The Map of Edomeni” and Mrs. Rena Molcho, historian and member of the Central Israeli Council in Greece.

Words, Politics and Critical Journalism – Part II